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Stephanie & Jason Ploppert

Superstar Consultant

My Story

I never heard of Scentsy before the summer of 2011.  I was at a car show with my parents and boyfriend at the time, (who is now my husband) my parents had a booth set up selling their stuff and there was a Scentsy booth across the way from us.  My curiosity finally got the best of me and I went over to find out what it was about.  I ended up buying a plug in warmer and 1 bar.  Well I went home and plugged it in and I after about 5 minutes I was hooked.  That little plug in was smelling up my entire house of the scent I purchased, which was paradise punch.  I used to buy candles all the time but after purchasing my first plug in, I never again bought candles.  I did some research on the products and found out how safe they are and kid and pet friendly.  I loved it even more!  The following May I was at another event and was looking for a Scentsy consultant cuz I needed more bars for my plug in, the consultant introduced me to the Layers line of Scentsy products.  I figured why not give it a try also. So I bought a Sugar Cookie body wash.  Again, hooked!  My now husband saw how much I loved the products and he was getting hooked too.  We tossed around the idea about becoming a consultant and decided to hold off for a bit cuz of the wedding coming up.  We were married in September of 2012 and by the end of September I was a consultant!  We went to the Bloomsburg Fair and that is where I started my journey with this company.  Ever since, my husband and I have been loving that decision and have not regretted it one bit.  I love my Scentsy business and the freedom it gives me.  The people I have met through this company have been amazing and now great friends. <!--endbody-->

What's warming in my home